I Wish I Could Do That

"I wish I could do that." I've said those words multiple times throughout my life. I wish I could ride horses like that. I wish I could play clarinet like that. I wish I looked like that. I wish I was more like that. How often do we become envious of others instead of looking at our qualities and seeing the potential we have to accomplish our goals? Somewhere along the way,  I learned that the problem was not that I was incapable, but that I was unwilling to try. I probably wouldn't succeed, so why bother?

Such crap. I look back at how I was a few years ago and am angry that I let my self-doubt get the best of me. I've quit so many things in my life because I was too scared to fail. I honestly don't know what happened... maybe the gentle push of my husband... but I decided if anything was going to change, I would have to do it myself. 

Goal 1 - Learn to run. There was this girl in middle school that picked on me constantly, and the instance that comes to mind most often was in required running for gym class. My face turned bright red. I carried my arms weird. I just looked stupid. (Her words, which in turn, became my inner voice.) My husband started running marathons about 6 years ago, so I thought that maybe I should learn to run so we would have that in common. I didn't really see the point and couldn't run a mile, but I would at least attempt it. I started the Couch to 5k program and could feel myself wanting to quit. I didn't like doing it... what was I really accomplishing? Plus, I look really stupid. About 6 months after Big was born, Aaron asked me to go on a mile run with him. I followed behind him and remember feeling like I was going to die. At the turnaround point he informed me that we had just run a mile, now I would have to do another mile to get back home. WHAT?! I thought he was crazy. But you know what? I did it. And it felt great that I could say that I did it. A few months later I joined a group called Stroller Strides and started exercising regularly. A few of the women decided to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon and I decided that I wanted to try, too. I was TERRIFIED! At this point I could run 3 miles, but I had a while to train and we all decided to do our long runs together. A few of us also signed up for some races to do together in between.

Marathon Relay - first time running 6 miles

First 10k with the stroller

Krispy Kreme 4 miler with my original running buddy!

Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon... We did it! I was also 15 weeks pregnant here. :)

After running the Disney Princess, I realized that if I can do that, I can do pretty much anything I want to do. Running gave me the self-confidence I had been lacking for so many years. I started back up right after I was recovered from my c-section with Pea. 

5k a month-ish after having Pea

10k with Pea

Spartan Sprint (so fun!)

Second 1/2 marathon with my second running buddy, whom I miss dearly!


Right around this time I decided to try to run a full marathon. It was on my bucket list, and I figured why not do it before my 30th birthday. Gotta love goal setting!

1/2 marathon #3

1/2 marathon #4

MARATHON! 26.2, done! 

Not gonna lie, though... I realized I'm not a full marathon person. There's so much training and time involved. But it feels awesome that I can say I did one! 

4 miler with a friend who pushes me to do my best

1/2 marathon #6 (don't have pictures from #5 or a 25k)

Yesterday I ran a 5k and got 2nd place overall female. I'm sooooo excited! 

As I was writing this I realized it probably sounds like I'm wanting to brag on myself, but that is not my intention. I've been asked a few times how I got started or have heard, "I wish I could run like that" and the thing is... you can. Running may not be your goal, but I'm sure you have told yourself you can't do something before you even try. Now I don't tell myself that I can't do things. I make goals and I go for it. The girl that once just wished for things to happen and never tried is no longer afraid. I know I won't succeed at everything, but I'm glad I have the courage to follow my dreams. 

What's your dream? I'd love to hear it! Will you be brave enough to try?

 It'll be a chicken post next time. :) Until then... here's a chicken fix! 



  1. Love love love this post! I am the exact same way- afraid to try because I might fail. Definitely something we are working on at our house.


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