Breed Spotlight: Barred Plymouth Rock
I've been asked a few times about the breeds of chickens I've picked out and why I selected them, so I thought I'd do a few posts about the breeds I own and a little about them. The first up is my Barred Plymouth Rock, Dolly. I knew that I wanted larger breeds so that they would be less likely to fly over a fence and they'd be harder to hurt with two rambunctious kids around. The average weight for this breed is around 7 pounds for a hen. They are also known to be docile birds, which was a big plus for having them around my family on a daily basis. Barred Plymouth Rocks are also non-broody, which means they are not likely to try and hatch their eggs (sitting on them for a long period of time). Since we don't own roosters, I don't want my girls getting depressed that they aren't having any babies hatch. I really have no idea if they get depressed, but in my mind it makes sense. :) We also wanted chickens that lay lots of eggs. I've heard mixed reviews ...